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National Food Safety Month 2024

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September is National Food Safety Education Month! We're excited to once again bring you tips, plans, talking points, and general information -- everything you need for a safe facility and a well-educated staff. Throughout September 2024, we will highlight information provided by the National Restaurant Association and their "Food Safety Focus" initiative for you to best equip your food-handling team. You can access all this year's resources below...

Explore the most common pathogens that cause foodborne illness and how they make people sick. Managers and employees alike can use these key details to avoid contaminating food and prevent foodborne illness outbreaks.

Dive into the topic of foodborne illness outbreaks and learn how to respond to outbreak claims, what the investigation process looks like, the top 10 pathogens known to cause outbreaks, and more.

While food safety training delivers knowledge and best practices, food safety culture is all about behavior, attitude, and organizational mindset. Utilize this guide to aid in efforts to form a healthy food safety culture in your work environment.

The included charts in this guide list recommended cook times, but you must always use a food thermometer to assure that all prepared meat and poultry have reached a safe minimum internal temperature.

End the spread of foodborne illnesses by implementing this 3-legged approach for prevention in your business.

In the foodservice industry, we’re often told when, where, and even how to wash our hands. But not many people understand the science behind why we washour hands. To illustrate the importance of washing up to prevent the spread offoodborne illnesses, let’s look at how germs are spread from hands to food.